The London Ambulance Charity is the official registered NHS charity raising voluntary income to support one of the busiest ambulance services in the UK, if not the world; the London Ambulance Service NHS Trust.
The Charity raises vital funds to improve patient care through advancements and improved staff wellbeing which are beyond what’s capable solely with statutory government funding. In doing so, they improve the care provided to the over 9 million people who live in, work in, and visit London.

Did you know
Their vision is to save more lives in London – Caring for the people and patients of the London Ambulance Service.
They advance the services provided by London Ambulance Service through the following initiatives:
• Advancements in patient care: This includes providing equipment, specialty training, and innovations in emergency care.
• Staff and volunteer wellbeing: Initiatives that look after staff and volunteers, including Wellbeing Support Vehicles, which provide hot drinks and snacks to paramedics and volunteers out on the road all day.
• London Lifesavers Volunteer programme: This programme involves providing emergency life support training for anyone, creating a community of London Lifesavers – a group of people with the knowledge and confidence to help others in a life-threatening emergency situation.
By playing for just £1 per week you can help the staff and volunteers of London Ambulance Service deliver even better care for the patients of London. London Ambulance Charity provides health and wellbeing initiatives to improve their welfare above and beyond what is provided through core government funding.
For example, paramedics on the road all day are provided with a hot drink, healthy snacks, and a wellbeing check-in whilst on shift, thanks to Wellbeing Support Vehicles (WSV’s, formerly known as Tea Trucks). The WSV’s meet staff where they are – including crews at hospital bays and those working in the 999 and 111 control centers – delivering nutrition and support when staff and volunteers need it most.
How to play
Each entry to the draw costs £1. Our draws are run every week of the year, usually on a Friday. You can either set up a subscription to provide your chosen charity with a regular and reliable income, every week of the year, or you can play as and when you want to, whatever suits you best!
Choose how many weekly entries you want to play. It’s only £1 per play!
Provide your payment details. Direct Debit or Debit Card.
Sit back and wait to see if you have won. You can also check online after every draw!
Registered Charity Number: 1061191 www.londonambulancecharity.org.uk/