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A Young Stroke Survivor

Young Stroke Survivor 01

Younger Than You Think

Each year 100,000 people have a stroke in the UK; 1 in 4 of these occurs in somebody of working age or younger.

Young woman

Different Strokes is a charity run by younger stroke survivors, for younger stroke survivors. They have personal experience of the realities of life after stroke. The Different Strokes community are the experts in recovery and rehabilitation, with first-hand knowledge of the challenges that younger survivors face.

A Life Changing Stroke

Alexandria was only 33 when she had a stroke. She never thought it could happen to her at such a young age.

Alexandria Young Stroke Survivor

I had a stroke in 2020 during the global pandemic. I didn’t see any of my family for 6 weeks. Different Strokes gave me support and information and books to send to my children to explain what had happened.

After 6 weeks of being home, my mental health took a huge nosedive and I felt like no one understood. Then I found the online support group. There I found survivors like myself. All being members of a club no one wants to be in. All dealing with the same thing yet, it is so different for each one of us.

The New Normal

The stroke changed me forever and Different Strokes help me grieve and process the loss of the old me and accept the new me. Some days it’s still hard but they are always there for us. An amazing small charity helping so many lives in the UK.”

Different Strokes Trustee

You Never Know When it Could be YOU

No one expects to have a stoke. But, it can happen to anyone of us. By playing make a smile lottery to support Different Strokes, you are helping them continue to provide life changing support to younger people who have experienced a stroke. To find out more about what they do, watch the video below.


Draw closes in:
02 Days
13 Hrs
06 Min
36 Sec