Blood Match Found for Kitten

Rupert Blog

Appeal for Kitten in Need

Social media kitten appeal

Rupert, a young kitten that was in the care of our new charity partner RSPCA Essex South, Southend & District Branch, was in a critical state and in desperate need of a blood donation.

The RSPCA put out a desperate appeal to find a cat who would be happy to give a blood donation to Rupert.

Unusual Blood Type

Kitten blood type B

Rupert had a very severe flea infestation when he came into their care and being only four weeks old, his little body found it hard to fight back.

He had an unusual blood type B, which made it hard for the branch to easily find a match.  So, they appealed to families in Southend and Westcliff to see if their cats could be a possible match.

After hundreds of shares across social media, a match was found that enabled them to save kitten Rupert.

A Match for the Kitten

A spokesman for the RSPCA Essex South, Southend & District Branch said:

 “Thank you to everyone for all your help, shares, and offers; so much kindness. We are overwhelmed. We have now found a match to Rupert and will give him a blood transfusion very soon.”

If you are keen to find out more about the fantastic work our partner does, head to their website:


Draw closes in:
02 Days
13 Hrs
06 Min
36 Sec