Draw closes in:
02 Days
13 Hrs
06 Min
36 Sec
This week's rollover is £16,000
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Dorothy* has been living alone since the passing of her husband, Brian* in 2020. Up until then, she had been fortunate enough to have a very active social life and would often visit local garden centres or enjoy short walks along the seafront. When Brian passed away, Dorothy’s* life came to a standstill. She had never learned to drive so wasn’t able to go and do the things she had enjoyed with Brian, she also felt scared to venture out as she just wasn’t used to doing these things alone. She felt that not only had she lost her dear husband, but her life as she knew it.
As the months turned into years, Dorothy* watched the world go by from her living room window. She slowly started to lose interest in the small things that had once made her happy, saying “Brian used to love it when I would read to him, but I haven’t picked up a book in over two years. I’ve got nobody to share things with anymore”.
Dorothy* was referred to Age Well East’s Befriending service by her doctor and was introduced to Julie – an Age Well East Volunteer. Julie and Dorothy* were matched for their love of books and gardening programmes. Dorothy* says she feels as though she has been given a new lease of life, she sees Julie once a week and they spend their time talking about books they have recently read and on warmer days, they sit in the garden and appreciate the beautiful flowers.
Dorothy* says “I feel like I am part of the world now, I’m not just an outsider watching it pass me by.”
When you play make a smile lottery to support Age Well East, you are heling them fund this lifeline. Helping people like Dorothy* find friendship.
*Name used to protect identity.