Draw closes in:
02 Days
13 Hrs
06 Min
36 Sec
This week's rollover is £16,000
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International Lottery Day - 27th August
Lotteries are played all around the world and everybody loves the idea of winning! They have captivated people for centuries fuelling dreams of instant wealth and unimaginable possibilities. It is exciting waiting for the draw to be run and to see if you are a lucky winner. Most people play the lottery for the chance of winning a life changing amount that can help make yours and your families lives better for many many years to come.
However, playing make a smile lottery is different.
“The cause means a lot to me as my mother is suffering quite a bit at the moment."
“I have been in the same position and want to do my bit to help.”
"I've used them recently and they really helped me out, so I wanted to give something back.”
“Both my father and sister had heart problems and I want to support a charity to help support this area of expertise and to help others."
"A fantastic cause I'm happy to help. A direct debit every month is easy I don't need to remember about it now!"
Playing to support the charity you choose and giving back to it week in week out, gives many of our supporters all the enjoyment they need. Knowing they are supporting a charity that they may have their own personal connection with, or supporting a local cause in their own community that provides the most amazing services to those around them, can really mean the world to our players.
Winning isn’t out of the question though!
We may not make you millionaires, but you can still have a great chance to win big! Make a smile lottery is a fun and easy way to support on a regular basis. Winning sure does feel nice but playing means you are helping beneficiaries locally and nationally.
Odds of winning
Our odds of winning are one of the highest around, with 1 in 204 tickets entered into the draw will win a prize. We are proud we can give 142 lucky chances each week to get that thrill of being a winner! Our rollover builds to £25,000 too. What would you do with this amazing prize pot?
Thanks from our winners!
"What a fantastic surprise and I am very happy to support such a good cause."
"I am very happy to have won, I just lost my husband 3 weeks ago so this will come in handy."
"You don't know how much this means to me. My heating has broken and I can use the money to pay for it to be fixed."
"Thank you! Made my day that has, just thrilled. I'm so pleased to support the charity."
“Oh you're lying! I'm absolutely taken aback. I will be donating a good portion of it back to the charity.”
An affordable way to support
A £1 per play game is cheaper than most and you know exactly where your money is going too as you can choose the charity you want to support! We have partnered with 19 charities around the United Kingdom who truly rely on this source of income from their dedicated supporters playing the weekly lottery. It really is a win win situation! You don’t know when you will need this charity, and by supporting it by playing the lottery each week, your local services will be here in the future too.
Do you fancy playing a game that is loved all over the world?
Sign up to make a smile lottery and support charities today for £1 a week.